Repeater upgrades

The 2 meter repeater had become very noisy several times after we have had a lot of rain.    After testing for noise in the repeater shack, the technical committee decided the noise source was between the antenna and the outside of the repeater shack.   Ken , KE2N, decided we should replace the generic LMR 400 coax with hardline.

On December 3, 2018,  an OVH team replaced the coax to both the 2 Meter and 440  antennas with 7/8 inch hardline.   This hardline has a loss of only  .7 db per 100 feet at 440 MHZ.   Our climber was Byron AK4XR.   Ken directed the operation and   Gil , KMK4OZH and John KG4NXT assisted.    We are hopeful that the noise will not return.     In addition, the repeater receiver should be just a bit more sensitive and there will be a bit less attenuation of the transmit power.

hardline drip loop
hardline drip loop
Gil and John feed the hardline up
Gil and John feed the hardline up
Byron works on high
Byron works on high

Ken attaches N connector to hardline
Ken attaches N connector to hardline

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