Weekly Nets

Radio Nets and E-Mail Reflector Sponsored / Run by the OVH

  • VHF/UHF Net on OVH’s 146.97 and 443.500 MHz (Pl 110.9) FM Repeaters
  • The VHF/UHF Net is held each Thursday evening at 8:00 PM (20:00) local time
  • These three FM VHF & UHF repeaters are usually linked during the net
  • PL Tone is usually turned off during the net
  • All net participants can hear and communicate with all others, and Net Control
  • Format: Newsline, ARRL bulletins, club announcements, swap shop, and short check-in session
  • All members and interested non-members are encouraged to participate

The OVH Thursday night net at 8 pm is also carried on the following W4BRM repeaters:

W4BRM Repeaters

Callsign UsedOutput from RepeaterPL Tone / CTSS or Talkgroup Input to Repeatermode
W4BRM53.49 MHz77.0 Hz52.49 MHzFM
W4BRM224.400 MHz77.0 Hz222,800 MHzFM
W4BRM448.225 MHz 77.0 Hz443.225 MHzFM
W4BRM448.325 MHzTG315148, TS 2, CC 6443.325 MHzDMR

In addition, the Thursday night net is also carried on EchoLink 522456 (W4BRM-R).

80 Meter Informal Net on 3710 KHz LSB

  • The 80 Meter Net is held each Sunday evening at 23:55 Zulu (UTC)
  • This net is informal as there is no formal call up or check-in procedure
  • Participants call on the frequency to check in and join in
  • All members and interested non-members are encouraged to participate

OVH’s E-Mail Reflector System used for member email communications

  • The OVH operates a closed E-Mail reflector system for use exclusively by OVH members
  • You must have an email address and be an active OVH member to use the E-Mail reflector
  • Send a request email to John at kg4nxt@arrl.net to get registered on the reflector
  • John/KG4NXT will register you to use the email reflector after checking your membership
  • OVH’s E-Mail reflector system is used to send and receive info of interest to all members