Pay OVH dues

Annual Dues for both new Applications and Renewals are $25.00 per calendar year. For a member or applicant who is a full time student in a college undergraduate or lower (e.g., high school) program, annual dues are $12.50; also annual dues are $12.50 for a second family member living at the same mailing address as a first member paying full dues. Renewal dues are due on January 1st each year. For new applications after July 1st, pay 1/2 of the full year amount.

1. Renewal of active membership by an existing active member. Simply pay as instructed below. Existing active members are automatically renewed as active members upon timely payment of annual dues. Questions? Contact Membership Chairman, Luther / WA3FMO at tel: 703-361-4885 or email:

2. Renewal of OVH membership by an inactive or lapsed member. Simply pay as instructed below. In accordance with the OVH’s Bylaws, most inactive and lapsed members will be automatically reinstated to active membership upon payment of current dues; other lapsed members must reapply for a new active membership. If you are not entitled to automatic reinstatement per the Bylaws, we will contact you and dues will be refunded. Questions? Contact Membership Chairman, Luther / WA3FMO at tel: 703-361-4885 or email:

You can pay your OVH dues here online (by paypal or credit card) or there are instructions below on paying by U.S. mail. Active members simply pay below. If you are an inactive member, just pay below and you will become active by paying your current dues.
If you have applied for OVH membership but have not been read-in and later voted in, you may pay your dues below.
In the unlikely event that you are not voted in, your dues will be refunded.

Pay OVH Dues 

1 Year Dues  $25   (starting in January thru June)
1/2 Year Dues $12.50 (starting in July thru December)
add $12.50 for each additional OVH family member at same address

To pay dues by mail, simply mail a check with your callsign in the memo line to OVH Treasurer -attn Dues, Post Office Box 4293, Manassas, Virginia 20108-0728. Dues are $25 per year or $12.50 if paying after June for a half year. Additional family members are $12.50 each.