Become A Member


Annual Dues for both new Applications and Renewals are $25.00 per calendar year. For a member or applicant who is a full time student in a college undergraduate or lower (e.g., high school) program, annual dues are $12.50; also annual dues are $12.50 for a second family member living at the same mailing address as a first member paying full dues. Renewal dues are due on January 1st each year. For new applications after July 1st, pay 1/2 of the full year amount.

New online active membership application. Click the Membership Form & Submission link below and fill out the information on yourself.  When you click submit at the end of the form, it will be emailed to our Membership Committee. You may pay your dues here.   At the next next OVH monthly meeting, your membership will be read to the members. If you are present, you will be given an opportunity to give a 2 minute bio of yourself. At the next OVH monthly meeting after that, you will be voted on and approved as a member. If you are not approved, you will be refunded any dues paid.  Any questions? Contact Membership Chairman, Luther / WA3FMO at tel: 703-361-4885 or email:

Membership Form & Submission

If you are applying by mail, please Please download this form and send it to:

Treasurer, OVH
P.O. Box 4293
Manassas, VA  20108-0728

The OVH’s Constitution and Bylaws which have provisions dealing with membership matters may be downloaded here.