VP’s Corner

As we enter the new year, I’m reminded of a
quote my faculty adviser kept posted on his
wall: “We are surrounded by insurmountable
opportunity.” Opportunities abound at OVH.
Here are some of them for the coming year.
How about a position on the OVH leadership
team? We’ll put together the slate this
month with voting to follow in February.





Unfortunately, it looks like the ongoing pandemic will curtail our traditional outdoor activities for a while. No worries.
Ham radio also excels as an indoor sport.



I still have some sets of antenna books from the club lending library to be checked out (Thanks Art!). Winter weather may not be the best for putting up HF antennas.
What about that new VHF design you’ve been thinking about?
Or that new circuit idea?
Try it out and send us a write up for the club newsletter.


It has been an honor and a privilege serving as OVH Vice President. Together we’ve forged our way through new meeting places, new club attire, and a new Hamfest location. We’ve shared the joy of welcoming many new members aboard, and the sadness of some final goodbyes.

After four years, it’s time for me to move over and let someone new take a turn. Although this will be my last column as VP, Pinkie and I look forward to remaining active in the club and its many activities

By Robert Havasy - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=21953854
By Robert Havasy – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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