Presidents Letter:
What a month it has been since our last club meeting!
The OVH’s participation at the Manassas Airshow May 5th went extremely well. The weather was almost perfect for an airshow – not too hot, light winds and a very high overcast; the forecast rains held off until after the Airshow was over. Overall attendance estimates for the Airshow were around 10,000. It was a great opportunity to get our club out into the public view and hopefully interest more folks people in becoming hams. A bunch of the club’s new “how to contact us” business cards were taken. Thanks to the OVH volunteers for putting it all together and for the long hours they put in to make it successful. Check out the article on the Manassas AirShow later in this newsletter and on the club web site.
The OVH also provided communications support for the SOWW (Serve Our Willing Warriors) bike ride on Sunday May 6th. It was amazing how smoothly the radio assignments went thanks to the planning efforts of Andy / KJ4MTP. Lunch was amazing. I have to admit I didn’t realize how far away my assignment was and had to hustle to get there before check in. Andy introduced me to Holly Crocker who was co-director of SOWW Bike Ride. They were very happy our club was able to help them with the event and they definitely want us back next year to help out. I think the tentative date for next year will be the 11th of May 2019.
I have been to recent planning meetings for some of the upcoming events like the Hamfest, the Airshow, some think just for the food which I have to admit is one reason to go, however I like to see the planning that is involved and see it come together. I am really impressed with the quality of planning which is reflected in the quality of our events. Hamfest has always been a great event, but the Airshow and the SOWW bike ride on the same weekend really impressed me with how great they turned out. Thanks to our committee heads Kevin / KX4KU and Andy / KJ4MTP for the hard work they put in to get these two events organized. I can’t say enough nice things about these two members.
We also held was an appreciation dinner for Theresa Heartney / KG4TVM on Sunday evening May 6th at the City Tavern. It was well attended and was a great chance to get out and talk to the club members. After a fine dinner, Theresa was presented with a laser engraved plaque and a basket of bright flowers in appreciation for all the work she has done these many years in behalf of our club. I have only been in the club for 5 years but I have witnessed how much she does, a lot of it behind the scenes, and have wondered where she finds the time (she must not sleep is all I can come up with). See some pictures from that event later in this Newsletter.
Previously I have mentioned how I learn something new at every event I participate as a volunteer. Just talking to the other club members helps me with my radio knowledge and skills. I am proud to say after this last weekend I am now ready to enter the digital HF world again. I was able to get my radio to talk to my new computer so I am ready to enter the “new” FT8 world. Many thanks to Tony Ohe / KM4KLB for straightening me out.
The Dayton Hamvention will be later this month and a few of our club members will be attending. I wish I was one of them however this is my busy time of the year at work. I look forward to hearing about it from those that went.
Next month, June, is always the OVH’s busiest month each year with two major club events: the Manassas Hamfest on Sunday, June 3rd, and the ARRL/OVH Field Day on Saturday/Sunday, June 23-24. Please save the dates for each and plan to attend each!
The next regular OVH will be held on Tuesday, May 15th, at 7:30 pm in the conference room at the Buckhall Fire Station, Manassas. Hope to see you there.