Presidents Letter:
Greetings All,
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. Oh, all of the left over candy.
Are your batteries charged?? Is your radio configured properly?? If not, then this may be the time to ensure they are. With the weather getting colder, and the recent hurricane season, this is the perfect time to check the functionally of them. For the newer members, don’t hesitate to ask someone for assistance if you need it. Also, December 2nd is For those that are D-Star folks, stay tuned for updates.
I want to pass this along. It is from the ARRL Virginia Section Manager, Dr. Joseph G Palsa, K3WRY.
“ SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) will take place this year
on Saturday, December 2 from 0000 until 2400 UTC (starts on the evening
of Friday, December 1, in US time zones). During the SKYWARN Special
Event, ham radio operators will set up stations at National Weather
Service (NWS) offices and contact other radio amateurs around the
Participating Amateur Radio stations will exchange a brief description
of their current weather with as many NWS-based stations as possible on
80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meters plus 70 centimeters. Contacts via
repeaters are permitted.
SRD was developed jointly in 1999 by the NWS and ARRL to celebrate the
contributions SKYWARN volunteers make to the NWS mission — the
protection of life and property. Amateur Radio operators, which comprise
a large percentage of SKYWARN volunteers, also provide vital
communication between the NWS and emergency managers, if normal
communications become inoperative”.
Just an idea if folks would like to be a part of.
We will have some activities that we are part of, such as the Manassas and Manassas Park Christmas Parade’s, so watch out for announcements of when these will happen.
Lastly, a reminder that our December “meeting” will be on Sunday, the 10th. I promise it WILL be short. It will be held at the Yorkshire Restaurant, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Please bring an item for the “Toys for Tots”.
Keep your thoughts and ideas coming to me at:
73 Ray KM4EKR