Happy Birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this August: Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRL; STU, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZNR; Chick, KC1PIA; Vern, K0LVS; Duane, KK4BZ and Raymond, KK4AQR. Hope you all have wonderful birthdays with lots of candles!
August OVH Meeting: If you want to know more about the OVH, please attend one of our meetings that are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Our next scheduled meeting will be Tuesday 08-15-2023 at 7:30 PM at the Buckhall Volunteer Fire Department, 7190 Yates Ford Road, Manassas, VA 20111. You are welcome to attend without obligation. From the parking lot, you will see a wing wall projecting from the building with signage that reads “Training Room”. The single door to the room where we usually meet is at the left end of the wing wall on the corner of the building. If you are able to attend, we will ask you to tell us a little about your amateur radio biography, but only if you are comfortable doing so. OVH is a friendly, welcoming club and we hope you will attend. Our meetings often start with a presentation on a radio-related topic and this may be my favorite part. Please contact Luther, WA3FMO with any questions or concerns.
Amateur Events:
August 20, 2023: Rookie Roundup is a contest aimed at Amateurs licensed for three years or less. This six-hour event is held three times per year (April, August and December). Rookies can contact anybody, while “Old Timers” make contact with only Rookies. Mentoring is a big part of this event! Please see
TRI IT NOW: Sunday, September 10, 2023 (Manassas, VA) See link: and Andy Gamponia at to sign up.
The OVH website Events Calendar displays the Tri It Now yearly schedule for that month. It shows all of the upcoming 2023 Tri It Now mini triathlons and races and the calendar widget on the right side of our web site will show a link for our upcoming calendar events.
- 2023 Tidewater Hamfest & Swap Meet
- Start Date: 08/12/2023
- Location: Ambassador Club of Portsmouth
- 364 Peninsula Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23704
VOLUNTEERS Needed: Willing Warriors are holding their 6th Annual Warrior Ride and need volunteers. See details below.
Overview of Time:
6:30 Check-In for metric route begins
6:30 Breakfast begins
3:00 Event Ends
Bike Registration online go to
The volunteers need to scroll down to “Select your category” and locate “Ham Radio Operator”
Then at the bottom, select “Register as a Guest” and provide their email address. Then fill out the form with their information and Proceed to Checkout. This will NOT cost anything and they will be registered.
General overview info:
NET NIGHT: Every Thursday at 8 PM, we have the club’s weekly net. Please join us, say hello and hear up-to-date information on club news. See W4OVH.NET web site for details. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.
Andrea, KI4SXM is providing input to the Sunshine Corner. Please send your information to me at
Friendly Reminder!!! Happy Ham’in and Enjoy amazing solar activity and summer!
73, Andrea, KI4SXM