Happy Birthday wishes in this June for: Jan / KE4TMW, Jim / KM4SXM, Emma (No Call), Steve / N4OGR, Derrick / KV4SH, Doris / KI4DAL, Rosemary / KI4SND, Wayne / AG4ZZ, Gene / N4HFW and Bob / K4HJF.
Best wishes to Jeff / WB4TT whose mom who took a bad fall and is recovering.
Special thanks to Butch / W4HJL and Bob / K4HJF for helping me with the scholarship this
year. Congratulations to our 2017 winner Marina Kun, she will be graduating from Patriot
High School and will be attending UVa in the fall. Marina was able to attend our May meeting
with her dad, and computer science teacher, Mr. Krishnan. See elsewhere in this Newsletter
for more information about this.
Thank you to Andy / KJ4MTP and the Mini Tri volunteers from the OVH for another great
event on Sunday morning, June 11th.
A very successful Manassas Hamfest 2017 is now in the books. Thanks to all hams,
tailgators and vendors who attended, and special thanks to Terry / KC4DV, chairman of the
event, and the many OVH Club member volunteers who assisted in making everything run
smoothly and to the weather which was nearly perfect for the Manassas Hamfest this year.
Field Day – Plan to come to the OVH / ARRL Field Day event at the Pavilion at the
Nokesville Community Park on Saturday / Sunday, June 24/25th. Club radios will be set up
and run from emergency power to make many hundreds of contacts with other participating
Field Day stations throughout the US and Canada. There will also be demonstrations and
educational programs. OVH members (and their families), other hams, whether active or
inactive from the area, and other visitors from the general public who want to learn more
about ham radio or the OVH are all invited to attend. This will again be a major OVH social
event. Come out to have dinner with us Saturday.
Please try to check in to the Thursday night VHF/UHF FM net. You will hear updates and
information on events! How to do that is on the OVH web site at You will find us
on the 146.970 and 443.500 FM repeaters at 8:00 pm every Thursday evening.
73 Theresa KG4TVM