Happy birthday wishes this May to OVH club members: John / KM4VCJ, David / KG4GIY, Bill / WA4FIC, Jack / N4YIC, Carl / KK4ZYX, Craig / WA3UFY, Richard / KM4UXE, Susan / K3SSP, Terry / KC4DV, Don / WA2SWX, Robert / KJ4EOR and last but not least, John / KG4NXT. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Wayne / N7QLK was unable to make the March meeting, the first meeting with the OVH’s new president, Ray / KM4EKR, presiding – so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and your Sunshine Corner correspondent took an appreciation Plaque to for his great work as OVH President to Wayne at his residence. See picture.
Another Mini-Tri is coming up fast on Sunday, May 14th; please let Andy / KJ4MTP know if you can help with this event at which OVH members provide communications support during the Mini-Tri! The Mini-Tri starts very early on Sunday morning, but also is over early.
John / KG4NXT and I just came back from a week in Washington State visiting Elizabeth / KG4NXV and her hubby, Nick / KG7SOM; it was great to see them! We had sunshine, clouds, rain and even some SNOW which is may be “normal” for that part of Washington State this time of the year, especially the clouds and rain! During our visit, we were able to catch up with Ron / N4RDZ and his significant other, also a ham, Cyn /KD7KSH.
Ron reports he is enjoying his retirement but promises he will be back to this area for the Half Marathon later this year! See picture.
Congratulations to Kevin / now KX4KU (formerly, for may years, KA4RNH) on his new vanity
callsign, a nice CW call which will save a milliseconds over his old callsign each time it is sent!
HAMFEST – We are down to the final few weeks before the OVH Manassas Hamfest which will be held on Sunday, June 4th. More about that elsewhere in the Newsletter. If you have not yet volunteered to help, please do so!
We are always looking for more hams to check in to the Thursday night net, it starts at 8 pm. More information on our website