Happy birthday wishes to the following club members: Harry KC9TXL, Harry KN4IJY, Brian KK4CBS, Robert KJ4SZJ, Jeff KB4IWD, Gil KM4OZH, Paul N4PD, Joe KI4OHR, Steve KJ4YHA, Chris KU4FT, Lillian KK4MXY, David KI4AZX, Paul W4ZB, David KD4DEE.
Special birthday wishes to Annemarie (George’s K4GVT mother in law), known to many of us as Oma. She is celebrating 85 years young!
I would say Happy Spring but every time I think it is spring, here comes the cold weather again!
Since the March meeting cancelled due to weather, April will be the first meeting that Byron, AK4XR, will run as President of the club.
Good to hear club members on the air for the Virginia QSO Party, please remember to turn in your logs and fill in OVH for your club!
Congratulations to John, KG4NXT, and Don, WA2SWX, for putting together a great table representing the OVH at the Maker Faire that was held on the George Mason University campus.
Good to see our club represented at the Vienna Winterfest, great job by Terry, KC4DV, and crew for staffing a table and handing out flyers. The picture below is from this hamfest, Byron, AK4XR & Tony, KK4YZK and if you look near the middle of picture in the next row is Sandy, KM4JUS, talking to one of the vendors!
Sending best wishes to Butch, W4HJL, and Steve, KB4OF, as they both continue to recover from recent hospital stays.
Congratulations to John, KG4NXT, for receiving a certificate for the CQ WPX Digital Award. He completed 300 digital contacts with different prefixes from all over the world.
Thanks to Andy, KJ4MTP, for coordinating the first Mini Tri of the year!
Hamfest – planning meetings are under way, please contact chairman Don, WA2SWX, to help with this event. His email is
Field Day 2018 will be just a few weeks after Hamfest; please contact chairman Byron, AK4XR, to get the details, his email is
Don’t forget the Thursday night net at 8 pm every Thursday, please check in!
Also, please check out the club website and facebook page for up to day information.