President Jay receives Worked All States Award
In the picture, you see the WAS (Worked All States) award that Jay, NQ4T received from the ARRL. Congratulations to Jay. If you receive an award, let the web committee know and we will post it.
In the picture, you see the WAS (Worked All States) award that Jay, NQ4T received from the ARRL. Congratulations to Jay. If you receive an award, let the web committee know and we will post it.
On October 20, 2020, the OVH had an antenna party for Butch, W4HJL. Butch has a crank down tower at his house. On the agenda: 1) replace the rotor because control box no longer displayed direction; 2) some of the beam elements were not in same plane as the rest – straighten them; 3) add a 6 meter beam to the antenna. The crew consisted of Gil, KM4OZH; George, K4GVT; George’s brother in law, Tom Schweinfurth, Dick, WN7S; Al, KB4BHB; Bob, W4HJF and John, KG4NXT. Butch, W4HJL, cooked us all a fine lunch. The replacement rotor did not have mounting holes in the right place so the decision was to field repair the old rotor and grease it up. The field repair was handled most ably by … Read more >>
On Saturday, October 17, OVH ran Jamboree-on-the-Air (or JOTA) at Camp Snyder in Haymarket, VA. One of our members , ROB (W4FSK) was our liaison with the scout camp and was also in charge of the camp that day. We had a troop of boys, a second one of girls and a third troop of Muslim boys. Rob estimates the OVH volunteers worked with about 50 scouts and their leaders, just at Camp Snyder. The scouts that made contacts were given signed contact cards that they can then use for partial credit for several merit badges. John (KG4NXT) brought his IC-7610 so we could have a digital station and both Al, (KB4BHB) and “The Other Ken” (KN4DD) brought their 2 meter mobile stations. The digital station ran FT8 and worked … Read more >>