If you are interested in operating during the eclipse, there is a contest. The rules are at http://hamsci.org/seqp-rules. There are lots of bonus points available.
The contest exchange is Call Sign, Signal Report, 6-Character Grid Square.
If you do not know your 6-character gird square, you can look it up on QRZ by looking up your call and then the details tab and finding ‘grid square. You will have to log onto QRZ to get that info.
If you live in the Manassas area, my Grid square and that of Gil, KM4OZH, is FM18GR. and that should be close.
There is a special logging option in N1MM logger for this contest. They basically want cabrillo format. If you keep a paper log, I will help you get it into the proper format.
Terry’s Eclipexpedition , W4E, is participating in the contest.
73 John KG4NXT
Kevin Utzy provides the following information in response:
The other thing they are asking for is “accurate” signal reports. Not the standard “599”. If you using digital modes, they would like the signal/noise ratio in db. Just a tip in! 🙂
I will be working FM08wm in Boston, VA.
Have fun!