Happy August birthday wishes to Kristen / NoCall, John / KK4TCE, Karl / W4KRL, Matthew / KK4SYM, Stu / W4PR, Serge / KK4ZUT, Ronnell / KK4ZUR, Vern / K0LVS, Duane / KK4BZ and Ray / KK4AQR.
John KG4NXT and I attended the Berryville Hamfest and saw several OVH members there. Great hamfest weather and it looked like a nice turnout; the tailgate area was completely full. Did anybody win a door prize?
Special thanks to the following for their help with getting the trailer scrubbed – John / KG4NXT, Ray / KM4EKR, Sandy / KM4JUS, Dick / WN7S and Terry / KC4DV, great job!
Here is our very own Steve N4OGR and his bride Jan KE4TMW. They participated in a square dance performance at the Prince William County Fair on August 15th. Looking good!!!!
Wishing my OM KG4NXT a happy 14th anniversary!
Congratulations and thank you to the web site committee, the new web page is up and running and looks incredible! I encourage everyone to get on the web and look it up http://
Congratulations to Gil / KM4OZH and wife Betsy for their beloved Otis (an English Pointer) who achieved 6th place (US) for Pointer Agility.
The Prince William Half-Marathon is coming up on October 1; please contact Wayne / N7QLK if you can provide radio support for this event.
Quick recovery wishes to Butch / W4HJL who has spent some time in the hospital. Safe travels to everyone on vacation; send us pictures!
Please try to check in to the Thursday night VHF/UHF FM net. You will hear updates and information on events! How to do that is on the OVH web site at You will find us on the 146.970 and 443.500 FM repeaters at 8:00 pm every Thursday evening.
73 Theresa KG4TVM