Don, WA2SWX, did some FT8 while flying to Ecuador. He connected via the internet to his home station in Centreville. Here is his description:
“FT-8 at 35,000 feet somewhere over Mexico or Central America. The nerd’s version of the mile high club.”
Here is the screen shot:
![wa2swx does FT8 from an airplane](
This is legal under part 97
US Station:
o FCC Rules: Part 97.109 Station control …“Any station may be
remotely controlled.”
o FCC Rules Part 97.213 Telecommand of an amateur station:
…has some simple requirements, including a 3 minute time-out
on the transmitter in the event of malfunction.
US Station, with Operator outside of US:
Operator must be “licensed” by a US License, bilateral, reciprocal,
IARP agreement or CEPT T/R 61-01. The call sign used must
always indicate the location of the transmitter.