Well it appears that spring has finally sprung. The season started off with the first Mini-Tri of the year, and the turnout was good. Thank you to all of the volunteers and to Andy (KJ4MTP) for the planning. Our next event is the 2017 Manassas Air Show on Saturday, May 6th (rain-out day: May 7th). This will be our second appearance as an exhibitor at the Manassas Regional Airport. If the air show this year is anything like in past years, it will have about 20,000 visitors and should offer a fun time for the whole family to take in the aerobatic performances, aircraft displays, and the numerous informational booths of various Manassas organizations. Even though it is still in the planning stage, we expect the OVH booth to have HAM radio equipment on display, working ham radio(s), and possibly some demonstrations of HF radio SSB and PSK31 operation, handouts about the OVH, including our public service activities, etc. We are looking for volunteers to help who like to engage with visitors to entice inquiring minds to talk with us. We had hoped to be able to make contacts, but the authority nixed that and understandably so. We expect to be operational between 9 am and 4 pm; the OVH’s participation in this event will also help us to promote our upcoming Hamfest and Field Day events in June.
With Manassas Hamfest quickly approaching (Sunday, June 4th), it is the perfect opportunity to volunteer to help out with OVH’s signature event. There are many positions that need filling. This is perfect for new and the not so new members to participate in their service organization. There are openings for setup and take-down, along with manning the gates and the OVH table. Oh, did I mention that there is a free breakfast before setup and a free dinner after take down.
We also have Field Day coming up (Sat./Sun. June 24-25). I believe that Byron / AK4XR is still looking for a safety offi cer for the event. This is a great time to see equipment in action and
be part of it. For the newer licensed members, this is a great opportunity to see how events work and to partake in Field Day. Nothing like hands on to experience the hobby.
I want to encourage the members who still have not paid their dues to do so. These funds are the source for many of our activities and commitments. I hope that you will take the time and support your club. Please do so using the form at end of this Newsletter or online at the W4OVH.NET (membership application tab) to renew or pay them at the upcoming meeting. In addition to the usual business, the upcoming meeting will include a presentation by Karl Berger / W4KRL about how to construct a wireless weather station from basic parts. Karl is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about this subject and an excellent speaker.
I hope to see all of you at the upcoming meeting on April 17th at 7:30pm at the usual place: Manassas Public Works, 8500 Public Works Drive, Manassas, Virginia.
Keep your thoughts and ideas coming to me at:
73 Ray KM4EKR