Happy birthday wishes in April to: Brian / KK4CBS, Robert / KJ4SZJ, Jeff / KB4IWD, Gil / KM4OZH, Paul / N4PD, Joe / KI4OHR, Lilly / KK4MXY, Paul / W4ZB, David / KD4DEE and Harry / KC9TXL.
Wayne, N7QLK was unable to make it to the March meeting so we went to Wayne! John / KG4NXT, Al / KB4BHB and I took an appreciation plaque over to Wayne for his great work while he was President of the club. (Picture in the newsletter)
You still have a day or two left to get your Virginia QSO logs submitted, please make sure you put the OVH as your club on the log! Please send me a picture when you get your certificate would really like to see where everyone placed!
First Mini-Tri of the season was in March; Andy / KJ4MTP organized the event and did a great job of getting us out on the course, pictures in the newsletter. Thank you to everyone that came out for this. (Picture in the newsletter)
Thank you to the website committee for the presentation at the March club meeting, great job (pictures are included in the newsletter).
Also, thanks to John / KG4NXT for his presentation at the March meeting on JT-9. A copy of his slides are posted on W4OVH.NET
HAMFEST – Please volunteer some time to help on the day of the event (Sunday, June 4th) and during the Saturday set up the day before. It would be greatly appreciated!
We are always looking for more hams to check in to the Thursday night net, it starts at 8 pm. More information on our website