January 2017 Presidents Letter
Greetings one and all, and I hope your New Year is getting off to a good start. Last year ended on a high note, with a few new licensees and a warm holiday party; what more could we ask for?
First order of business — It’s that time again where I’d like to remind all OVH members – who have not done so already – to renew his / her club membership(s) for 2017. The club needs the support of all of its members. A mail-in form to accomplish membership renewal appears later in this Newsletter; you can also renew (and pay) online at http://w4ovh.net under the Membership Application tab; or, you can pay at the upcoming meeting.
Next order of business — OVH officer nominations are now being received; there will be a vote for new officers for 2017 at the February, 2017 OVH meeting. Please let the OVH directors know who you would like to nominate to run for the offices for 2017, and be sure your dues have been paid so you can vote.
The New Year 2017 is off to a fast start. I recently took the plunge and tapped out my fi rst QSO with a straight key! Thank you John / KG4NXT and Al / KB4BHB; it did take a bit of nudging. My goal now is to get above 3.5 words per hour. Recently, Mark / WA4KFZ held another “Now What?” session to help answer questions that many newly licensed HAMS ask. This is invaluable; getting an initial license is relatively straight forward (book learning and memorization), but then, without any practical experience or mentors, not knowing what to do next can threaten to be a “show stopper.” I’ve seen some suggestions of demonstrating digital communication (e.g., PSK31, etc.) as an option. Good idea! On that note, let me also add that we shouldn’t overlook CW (Morse code) even though CW knowledge is no longer required for any ham radio licensing or even emphasized. Nevertheless, there continues to be a large amount of CW operations within the hobby.
Speaking of QSOs, the Virginia QSO Party is just a month and a half away. This is an excellent opportunity to be an Elmer for a newly licensed member to get some easy experience on the 2m level, contesting, and getting over microphone fright. Let’s reach out and get those participation numbers up!
We’ve also received word too, that FunRunRacing would like us to support the next Prince William Half Marathon. Mark your calendars for 1 October 2017!! For more information, checkout http://www.princewilliamhalf.com/sweet-julia-grace/
Elsewhere in this Newsletter, you will find details of yet another piece of legislation that has potential impact on our hobby. Please take the time to fire off a letter or email to your Virginia Legislator, addressing Senate Bill # 860, and how, as currently written, it is unlawful for any person to operate an amateur radio while in a moving motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth; but not so for citizen band radio.
Finally, I have decided that personal demands will require me to step down from my position as OVH President at the end of my current term, quite reluctantly; essentially, I foresee a number of pressing matters coming my way over the next 24 months that would challenge or conflict with my ability to give the OVH all of the effort that the President’s position needs. Over the past two years, I’ve appreciated the support and patience from all. It has been rewarding to watch teamwork that made all of the activities/events successful. To each OVH member, thank you so much for your support. I trust someone would like to take the baton.
Keep your thoughts and ideas coming to me at: N7QLK@ARRL.net. I hope to see everyone at the upcoming meeting at 7:30 pm on Monday, January 16, 2017.
73 Wayne N7QLK