The 2 meter repeater had become very noisy several times after we have had a lot of rain. After testing for noise in the repeater shack, the technical committee decided the noise source was between the antenna and the outside of the repeater shack. Ken , KE2N, decided we should replace the generic LMR 400 coax with hardline.
On December 3, 2018, an OVH team replaced the coax to both the 2 Meter and 440 antennas with 7/8 inch hardline. This hardline has a loss of only .7 db per 100 feet at 440 MHZ. Our climber was Byron AK4XR. Ken directed the operation and Gil , KMK4OZH and John KG4NXT assisted. We are hopeful that the noise will not return. In addition, the repeater receiver should be just a bit more sensitive and there will be a bit less attenuation of the transmit power.

Where are you gyys located?
MT PONE which is near the Manassas COSTCO