Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to Doc, W1IMX; Robert, KK4MXU; Ray, KM4EKR; Phi,l AC4PL; Chris, KN4IJF and Richard.

Congratulations to our VE Team led by John, KG4NXT and his band of examiners at the beginning of October. They had a very nice turnout for testing and picked up some new hams and upgraded the licenses of others!

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is coming up on Saturday, October 16th at Camp Snyder in Haymarket. We will start operating at 9 AM. If you are on the radio and hear a CQ, please help us out with the scouts by answering!

Please send lots of thoughts and prayers to Bill, KM4KWX, as he is battling some serious medical issues right now.

The Manassas Christmas Parade will be on Saturday, December 4th. This was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID. Prior to that, the OVH did enter the club trailer as a unit in the parade and provided radio support along the parade route. The application was submitted to once again have our club trailer in the parade. We do need someone to volunteer to pull the trailer with their vehicle thru the parade route. If you can help out with this, please let me know. George, K4GVT will be reaching out for club members to provide radio support during this event.

HAMFEST 2022 is on! The first planning meeting was held last week and it was just confirmed that Hamfest will be Saturday, June 4th at the Manassas Park Community Center. More information will follow. We will need club members to help the day of the event. Please contact Don, Hamfest Chair at with questions and/or to volunteer. Photo in the newsletter at Sam & Joe’s during the first planning meeting – Don, WA2SWX; Ken, KN4DD; Sandy, KM4JUS; Ray, KM4EKR; Gil, KM4OZH; John, KG4NXT and Theresa, KG4TVM.

We will be having the club Holiday Party in December at Yorkshire Restaurant. I do not have the date yet, as I am waiting to hear back from the restaurant. We will collect new and unwrapped toys for Toys For Tots.

Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.


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