Sunshine Corner
SUNSHINE CORNER – JANUARY, 2025 Celebrating the New Year by completing a trip around the sun, please wish the following club members a happy birthday – Fred, WD4ASP; Cat, KM4PBD; John, KG4HZC; William, KN4YPG; John, KI4OWH; Justin, KJ4LAS; Elizabeth, KG4NXV; Erik, K4SOK; Joseph, KM4UYA; John, WA1STU; Ken, KE2N; James, KQ4CAX; Mark, KO4MBN and Club President Ken, KN4DD. So, January is pretty quiet on the ham front but in the background, things are happening! The first planning meeting for Tailgate 2025 was held January, 14th. Dinner at Sam & Joe’s set the scene for a productive meeting: John, KG4NXT; Theresa, KG4TVM; Gil, KM4OZH; Byron, AK4XR; Jeff, K9VEG and Gene, N4HFW attended. Tailgate flyer and volunteer sign up will be out soon, we will need lots of help the day of the … Read more >>