Happy Birthday wishes to these club members: Fred, N3KVV; Wayne, N4HCR; Scott, KM4FTD;
Gary, K4MRL; Jeff, N1SN; Michael, KO4BCN; David, KO4HIR; Matt, (no call); Noel, NW5N and
Michael, KO4HBU. Enjoy your day!
On Sunday, March 10th, Don, WA2SWX; John, KG4NXT and I set up an OVH table at the Vienna
Winterfest. Amazing turnout for this hamfest and we had several OVH members stop by the
table to let us know what purchases they were able to make! Photos follow and if you are
interested in the radio that is in the left hand corner of the table, let us now. It was donated to
the club by Bob, K4HJL. THANKS BOB!!!!
Virginia QSO Party is Saturday & Sunday, March 16th & 17th , hope to hear you on the air. Please
put OVH as your club on your log! The Heartneys and Meyerhoffs are trying something
different this year; we will be starting from a cabin at Twin Lakes State Park, which is southwest
of Richmond in Prince Edward County. We will be mobile on Sunday. Hope to see some OVH
members win some of the plaques for this event.
On April 10th, we will be setting up a club table at Thawfest in Ruckersville. Looking forward to
this event.
Tailgate and Field Day planning meetings are in full swing. The events are successful when we
have a great club participation. If you can help at Tailgate, please contact Don, WA2SWX. For
helping at Field Day, please contact Cat, KM4PBD.
Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!
Don’t forget about our Thursday night net at 8 PM, good way to keep up with current events
and hear what everyone is up to!