Sunshine Corner
Very happy birthday wishes to Fred N3KVV, Scott KM4FTD, Gary K4MRL and Jeff N1SN Congratulations and best wishes to Steve N4OGR and Jan KE4TMW as he recovers from his heart transplant. Please keep them both in your thoughts as Steve continues to recover. Condolences to the families of Dave W4HRR and Jimmy WA2QEJ. Both gentlemen passed away at the beginning of February. VIRGINIA QSO Party is Saturday March 16th and Sunday, March 17th. Please remember to turn in your log for this event and list the OVH as your club. Hope to hear you on the air! Vienna Hamfest is the last weekend in March; hope to see many OVH members there. We will have a club table set up, please stop by and say Hello! Hamfest meetings are well under way, contact … Read more >>