Sunshine Corner

Sunshine Corner

Wishing these club members a happy year-end birthday to David KK4ZUU, Tony KM4KLB, Ed KK4PHP, Jay KM4JOJ, Dianne KI4FVV, Bill N4SV, Kelly, Byron AK4XR, Charles WA1FFX, George N4XSL. Thank you to everyone that attended the club party and for their generous donations for Toys 4 Tots.  More on this in January! As we end 2018, I would like to wish everyone a happy Holiday and a peaceful year to come! 73, Theresa 703-257-3566

Sunshine Corner February

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to the following club members: Roland WB4NWG, David W5DRR, Richard (no call) Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Harvey WB6TTF, Jeff WB6UIE, Stephen KK4UZC, Patty KI4FQF, Norman KK4HDL, Art W1CRO and Katie Apologies to John KI4OWH for missing his birthday in January, hope you had a great day! February is election time for the OVH, a very appreciate thank you to Ray KM4EKR, Jeff WB6UIE, Byron AK4XR and Terry KC4DV for serving as the club officers this past year. Butch W4HJL is home, very happy to hear this! We hope he is done with the hospital visits. Please do call or email him. Joe KI4OHR is continuing to recover from his fall, glad he did not have to have surgery! Get well wishes to Ken KE2N from … Read more >>

OVH Supports Manassas Christmas Parade

Saturday, December 2nd was a grey, cold day in Manassas but the energy was electric. The 72nd annual Greater Manassas Christmas Parade kicked off at 10 am. OVH club members came out to provide radio communications along the parade route. Also the club trailer was entered in the parade as a participant. Terry KC4DV pulled the trailer thru the parade with his truck. BUT before he could do that, we had to decorate! The Saturday prior to the parade Terry, Ray, Sandy, John and myself went to the utility yard to hang the Christmas lights on the trailer. Then the morning of the parade Terry, Rosalie and I finish decorating in the staging area. Pinky road shotgun in the truck during the parade waving the entire time. Seeing all the … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner December

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy end of the year birthday wishes to David KK4ZUU, Tony KM4KLB, David KJ4EPF, Ed KK4PHP, Jay KM4JOJ, Dianne KI4FVV, Bill N4SV, Kelly, Byron AK4XR, Thomas KB1FLK. Great news Butch W4HJL is home! He is still recuperating but things are looking so much better. Condolences to Wayne N7QLK and his family on the passing of Wayne’s father. The annual Holiday Party was held on Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire Restaurant. Turnout was wonderful, the donations to Toys For Tots was outstanding, fellowship amazing! The food well just WOW on that. Thank you very much for your donations and for attending, having the club members come out is what makes this event so great. Special thanks to Yorkshire Restaurant for allowing us to come in and have our party, … Read more >>

Sunshine Corner November

SUNSHINE CORNER Happy birthday wishes to Wayne N7QLK, Kevin KX4KU, Baofang KK4JFK, Theresa KG4TVm, Butch W4HJL, Greg KM4CCG, Jeff WB4TT, Gene KD4RHC, Charlie WA4YGI and Joe AB4QV Happy Veteran’s Day to all our service members, thank you very much for your service. Please continue to send positive thoughts to Butch W4HJL as he continues his recovery, he is back in the hospital in Fairfax this time as of the date of this being written. Condolences to Luther WA3FMO and his family on the sudden passing of his mother-in-law in October. Condolences to Butch W4HJL and his extended family on the passing of his mother-in-law at the end of October. HOLIDAY PARTY – Sunday, December 10th at the Yorkshire Restaurant, starts at 6 pm. Please bring a potluck dish to share. … Read more >>

Jamboree On The Air – 2017

On Saturday, October 21st, 2017, several OVH members worked with local scouts during JOTA – Jamboree On The Air! The event was organized by John Heartney, KG4NXT, along with Ken Carpenter, KD6DBX, with Troop 581 of National Capital Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. It was a perfect fall day, lots of sunshine at the Braemar Swim Club. Antennas went up, radios were tuned up and contacts were made between 9 am and 2 pm. John KG4NXT set up his ICOM 756Pro with a windom antenna. Don WA2SWX set up a DSTAR station. Wayne N7QLK and Kevin KX4KU worked with the scouts. Everyone did an outstanding job getting these scouts on the air. Gil KM4OZH was traveling but was able to have QSO’s on 2-meters with his home-made mobile … Read more >>