Happy Spring or Winter (depending on the day) Birthday wishes to Harry, KC9TXL; Harry, KN4IJY; Brian, KK4CBS; Gene, KN4JMB; Gil, KM4OZH; Paul, N4PD; Joe, KI4OHR; Steve, KJ4YHA; Chris, KU4FT; Lillian, KK4MXY; David, KI4AZX; Paul, W4ZB and David, KD4DEE.
KG4NXT and I had a great time during the Virginia QSO party! Saturday morning we hit the road early and drove up to Skyline Drive, where we made our first contact. The day was beautiful and the park was in great shape! We left thru the gate in Front Royal and headed to Winchester, then pointed the car towards Manassas. On Sunday afternoon, we went out again to Loudoun County and hit Manassas & Manassas Park. Overall, a great weekend. We operated for the first time as Multiple Operators Mobile, a lot less logging for us and we had a personal best for the number of contacts. Don’t forget to submit your logs by April 15th.
Please remember to list the OVH as your club when you submit your QSO log, as they do give out a club award. Any questions on the QSO party, feel free to reach out to myself at kg4tvm@hotmail.com or John kg4nxt@arrl.net
Well, we finally have some events coming up! Very exciting!!!! On May 8th, there will be a VE Session for anyone wanting to get their license or trying to upgrade. This will be at the Nokesville Park starting at 8 AM. Also on June 12th from 8 AM to 2 PM, we will hold a tailgate event across from Signal Hill Park in Manassas Park. Information on both events is on our club website at www.w4ovh.net and you can hear about these events on the Thursday night net.
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.