Sunshine Corner
SUNSHINE CORNER – FEBRUARY 2025 Happy Birthday wishes to the following club members: Dick, WN7S; Harvey, WB6TTF; Jeff, WB6UIE; Art, W1CRO; Mike, KN4NDI; Tyssen, W8ZM; Scott, KN4ZMC and Gerald, KN4DWT. John, KG4NXT, and I attended the Middle Peninsula Hamfest on February 1st. A great group of friendly people ran the event. John has already posted photos on the OVH webpage. Next up is Vienna Hamfest on March 9th, then FredFest in Frederick, MD on March 22nd. We would like to have some items on our table to sell, so if you have anything, please reach out so we can coordinate with you. Thanks to Gil, KM4OZH, for presenting the program at our monthly club meeting in January. Two Photos included. … Read more >>