President’s Letter for February 2025
Greetings to all, A quick reminder: Because of the President’s Day holiday, this month’s meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, February 19th, and NOT Tuesday. Congratulations to OVH Member Jeff, WB4TT, who leads in the January VHF contest. The January VHF contest was held January 18th to 20th. You can get more information in John Heartney’s article, immediately below this article. When warmer and more seasonal weather returns, that would be a good time while we still have “see through trees” to get out there and check those antennas. Better now (and easier) than when the foliage returns. My own end fed antenna needed to be resecured to a tree just a couple of weeks ago. A big tip of the hat to John, KG4NXT, on that one. It’s once again … Read more >>