Hello Everyone,
I’d like to start with our 2024 Tailgate Party (in lieu of Hamfest) on June 1st.
Most importantly to me, a Big Thank You to all of our volunteers. Along with the good weather, you are the reason this event was so successful. And what a great capstone to Don’s career as Hamfest Chairman.
After 5 straight Saturdays of rain, we had a 75° day with no rain and no humidity. We beat last year’s vendors & spenders headcount. Don’s XYL, Edith, ran the bake sale & it did quite well. Best of all, we cleared ~$1,500.00, after expenses. Way to go, Don!
Last year we officially opened at 8 AM and many showed up 7-ish. So, this year we moved it up an hour earlier, and of course, people still showed up before we officially opened. Ah, the problems of success.
Our 2 club photographers, George, K4GVT & Rosalie, KN4ZLY, have once again provided us with many memories. Go here to see them, again.
And again, I want to offer a huge heartfelt thank you to all of the 2024 Tailgate Party volunteers.
Ron, K3FR, encountered something that could only go under the heading of “It’s a Small World”. He was reunited with his first Vibroplex while at our Tailgate Party. Way back in 1960, Ron received the Vibroplex as a gift from his father for passing his General Exam on his second try. For you newcomers, you had to pass 13 words per minute in addition to the written exam. And if you didn’t know, Ron is a 2nd generation ham with his father first getting licensed in 1920 in New Jersey. We sure do have a lot of history in our club.

Our Tailgate Party once again hosted the Virginia QSO Party Awards. The 2024 Virginia QSO party was held in March, and Gil, KM4OZH, operated as a single operator multi band ROVER (SOMB). This year Gil did a new personal best with a high score of 92,416 points. This time, Gil ran his regular route with Byron, AK4XR /M, in close proximity. And for the first time, made it to, and activated, 19 counties before midnight.
Gil tells me “…. As always, this was a very enjoyable contest although hectic at times. No time to waste. My preoccupation with VAQP is all KG4NXT AND KK4ZUU’s fault, but that is another story ….”

Then, on Saturday, June 15th is our OVH Monthly Breakfast Get Together
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
We usually have 6 to 10 people that show up. We hope to see you there.
The next monthly meeting of the OVH will be held on Tuesday, June 18th @ 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT.
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas, VA 20111
Our presentation will be Allen Graves – Who will talk about his SOTA experiences
Very Important – While Don is winding down to begin his very well-deserved retirement, we will need to replace the office of the Treasurer. Jeff Porter, K9VEG, has stepped forward, but we have to vote on it to make it official.
Please attend the June 18th Monthly Meeting to vote on our new Treasurer.
And lastly for June, the ARRL 2024 Field Day, which is always the 4th full weekend in June. This year it begins at 1800 UTC Saturday, June 22nd running through 2059 UTC Sunday, June 23rd . https://www.arrl.org/field-day
We will be under the big pavilion at:
Nokesville Park
12560 Aden Rd
Nokesville ,VA 20181
Using GPS? Punch in: 38° 41′ 07″ N -77° 34′ 43″ W
We are Gridsquare: FM18fq
This will be a rain or shine event, as we will be under the big pavilion. Come on out and tune in the world. This year the OVH, led by Bruce, KN4GDX, with Byron, AK4XR & Gil, KM4OZH, will launch a hydrogen filled weather balloon. Personally, I can’t wait.
If you are new to the hobby, I recommend that you come out Friday & Saturday morning to help with the setting up. It is truly a learning experience. Time will pass very quickly, and before you know it, we will be ready.
Again, for those new to the hobby, once Field Day officially begins, we try to make as many contacts as we can in that 24-hour period, using phone, Morse code and the new digital modes. We do this either singularly dedicated to one mode only or by using any combination of those 3 modes. It’s all up to you.
Saturday Night will be our Pot Luck Dinner. Bring a favorite dish to share; dinner will be around 5 PM. After all, this is a family event.
Another item, which inadvertently was left out of my remarks last month, Theresa, KG4TVM,
has replaced long term OVH director Charlie Dale, WA4YGI, on the OVH’s Board of Directors.
Thanks from everyone to Charlie for his long service! And thanks to Theresa for taking on these
additional duties and responsibilities for the OVH.
A reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site: https://w4ovh.net. This is a great way to stay in touch.
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail: KN4DD@arrl.net
73, Ken / KN4DD