Happy Birthday wishes to these club members: Jan, KE4TMW; Edward, KQ4DPP; Jim, KM4SXM; Robert, W4PHX; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HFW; Bob, K4HJF; Robert, N0DGN; David, KQ4BDS; Dana, KM4TTP; Ron, K3FR; William, KO4QDL; Sean, KO4ZTO and Seth, WA0FZY – Enjoy your day!
Happy Father’s Day to all our dads!
Congratulations to all the kids for making it thru another school year, let the summer begin!
Tailgate – Congratulations to Don, WA2SWX, our Tailgate Chairman and all the other club members who helped to make this event a success. Great job by everyone, even Mother Nature, the weather was the best we could have had.
On to Field Day, June 22nd & 23rd, Cat, KM4PBD, is our Chairperson for this and just chaired the last planning meeting for this event. All systems are go and we are hoping for a great club turnout at Nokesville Park. Don’t forget the Saturday night dinner starting around 5 PM. Everyone, including family & friends, are invited. Club will provide hotdogs, hamburgers and accessories. Please bring a covered dish to share. The balloon launch will be after dinner on Saturday.
Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!
Thursday night net at 8 PM is a great way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to!
Little bit of info – I’m also the Club Historian and have been collecting items from club members for the last 15 years. So I decided to start with the old newsletters that I have. If you go to our webpage, and then “About the Club”, then “Newsletters”, you will see some of the older ones in there. If you find you have any of the old newsletters pre-1995, I will be happy to collect them from you and scan them in. Just shoot me an email. I will also be starting a “History of the Club” section and will let you know once that is up and running. We have quite a few club members that have moved out of state and I thought it would be nice to just reconnect with them and post something in the club’s Sunshine Corner when I receive something back.
This month, we are recognizing Ron, N4RDZ. He was living in Manassas due to his job and once he retired he moved back to the Seattle, WA area. Ron was a very active club member and we greatly appreciated his help on many events. He just got back home from an extended trip to Egypt and the photo of him is from his trip. Here is what Ron sent me:
“Well, this year I’m turning 70 so got a gift earl to go to Egypt for a trip of a lifetime. 18 days including Giza, Cairo several places to the south (Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, Luxor, Saqqara, and a three-night cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.
A couple of years ago while I was visiting Greece, I was able to visit with the ham club of Athens. Their headquarters is like ARRL HQ. I did operate from my rental car near my hotel and made one contact as N4RDZ/SV3 with Portugal.
On another trip to Rome, I toured and operated from HV0A at the Vatican. That was a blast!
Lately, I’ve been working a lot of FT8 due to hearing loss, and will be helping with the GOTA station this field day. W7AW in West Seattle.”
Ronald (Ron) Zuber
Thanks for the update Ron and good luck on Field Day, maybe we will hear you!
73 and happy summer!