Happy New Year to All,
A quick reminder: Because of the MLK holiday, this month’s meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, January 17th, and NOT Tuesday.
If you took part in the annual ARRL Straight Key Night (SKN) on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, congratulations.
I think we had a pretty good year last year. In 2023, the OVH supported:
- 5 Tri-It-Now mini triathlons
• A return to the OVH Tailgate Party (in lieu of Hamfest)
• Another successful Field Day – This time with Cat, KM4PBD, in her inaugural sitting in the Chairwoman’s chair. And a fine inaugural event she produced, too.
• Our annual support of The Freedom 5K and 1-mile Fun Run.
• The OVH fielded 28 spotters for the 2023 Warrior Bike Ride, this year raising over $97,000
• 2 VE Sessions; one on 5/27/23 and the other on 11/4/23. These were excellent capstones for John, KG4NXT, as he retires from this position. A big thank you here. Good job!
• We look forward to Mark’s, WA4KFZ, term as he has graciously agreed to take over from John.
• The Prince William 5K Turkey Trot and Mashed Potato Mile
• The annual Manassas Christmas parade
• and our World Famous OVH Christmas Party
Thank you again to everyone to donated gifts to Toys 4 Tots. I am told we collected more toys than ever before. Thank you also to everyone who came out to our annual Holiday Party. Thanks too, to the Yorkshire Restaurant for again hosting us and providing us with the turkey and ham.
A huge thank you to Theresa, KG4TVM, who, despite the mountain of tasks and events already on her plate this season, stepped back in at near last minute to turn out another excellent Holiday Party for our club.
A good year, indeed.
As is our annual custom, dues are, um, ….due. The new amount is $25.00 and you will need to be paid up in order to vote in elections next month. You can bring your payment to a meeting, mail it in, or pay online. Renewal form and instructions are attached in the newsletter and the PayPal link can be found in the members section on the OVH’s web site: https://w4ovh.net
OVH officer nominations are now being received; there will a vote for a new slate of officers for 2024 at the February, 2024 OVH meeting. So please be thinking of the best candidates for our club; if you are personally interested, please volunteer. I myself will be running for yet another term as OVH President, and am asking for your support.
Our first Tailgate planning meeting will be on the 24th of January at Sam and Joe’s Pizza; 6 PM for dinner and 6:30 PM for business. Please remember we are doing another Tailgate Party in lieu of a Hamfest for June 2024.
Our monthly breakfast returns this Saturday, January 13th at 8:00 AM. Pioneered by Byron, AK4XR, we get together every Saturday before our meetings at a table or two in the back of Yorkshire Restaurant for some good food and good conversation.
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd.
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
Menu: https://www.yorkshirerestaurantmanassas.com/menu/
Our next monthly meeting WEDNESDAY, January 17th and NOT Tuesday.
W4OVH Monthly Meeting
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas, VA 20111
Jeff, K9VEG, who also teaches at the CW Academy will give our January presentation.
Also, a reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site: https://w4ovh.net
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail: KN4DD@arrl.net
Ken, KN4DD
Hello All:
I have QST and CQ mags, “most issues” . by year, for 2012 – 2022/23. Free for pickup at my place (12212 Woodlark CT, Manassas 20112. Give a call to arrange pick up. 703-909-0817.
73, Arthur W1CRO