Sending Happy Birthday wishes to the following club members: Tony, KM4KLB; Ed, KK4PHP; Jay, NQ4T; Dianne, KI4FVV; Bill, N4SV; Kelly, (no call); Alan, KY4DN; Byron, AK4XR; David, KK4ZUU; Marwood, KL7AW and Matt, KE7EX.
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Manassas Christmas Parade, great club support! George, K4GVT, posted a link to photos from the parade. It looked like everyone had a good time. Thank you to James, KQ4CAX, for pulling our club trailer through the parade as an entry. Thanks to Daniela, KQ4IKQ and Luis, KQ4GBC for decorating the trailer and riding in the parade with James.
OVH Holiday Party, well the weather was not great, but it didn’t snow, so that is plus in my book. I am very grateful to the club members and significant others that came out for the evening. The fellowship and food were tremendous. Thank you to Yorkshire Restaurant for making their restaurant available to us for the party.
Because we have club members who are very generous with toy donations for Toys for Tots, we were able to collect over 50 toys this year. Due to a calendar error, the Marines didn’t show up but Daniela, KQ4IKQ and Luis, KQ4GBC stepped up and drove the toys to the fire department to drop them off.
This photo does not show all the toys because they were piled on top of each other.
Safe travels if you are driving or flying this holiday season. See you next year.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!