Hello again, everyone.
Welcome to what is shaping up to be a very wet March. In February we held our annual club officer elections during our monthly meeting. I’d like to thank everyone who participated. In a clean sweep, your entire officer cadre was reelected.
John, KG4NXT; Don, WA2SWX; Gil, KM4OZH and I (Ken, KN4DD) were returned to our positions as Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President, respectively,
Also at our February meeting, Gordon, NQ4K, gave his presentation on the upcoming Virginia QSO party. His original presentation was over 133 slides long, but he graciously trimmed that down significantly to fit in his allotted time. And as usual, he was very well received.
A big thank you to Gordon.
Next, your annual dues, which are now $25, are due by March 31st. Many of you responded after John, KG4NXT’s reflector message prodded you. However, a significant number of you have yet to catch up. As you are all aware, the two major ways our club makes money is our Tailgate Party and our dues. Repeater maintenance expenses are always significant. If you have not yet paid, you could always bring a check to our next monthly meeting, (which will be March 19th) with the check made out to Ole Virginia Hams. Please get caught up before the end of March membership suspension dates occur.
After a very successful freshman year, Field Day Chairwoman Cat (KM4PBD), returns for her sophomore season. One exciting new development here; instead of the traditional fox hunt, we will be launching and tracking weather balloons. I think this is a timely development as these balloons have been in the news last year and again this year. I am excited that they have been included in this year’s Field Day activities.
Cat has called for a Field Day planning meeting @ Sam and Joe’s Pizza & Subs in Manassas on March 12th.
Don, (“this time I really, really mean it”) WA2SWX, had retired from Hamfest Chairman previously. We are lucky to have him back once again as Tailgate Party Chairman. Don has called for a planning session at Sam and Joe’s Pizza & Subs in Manassas on March 14th. Yes, two meetings at the same restaurant in the same week. Sometimes these things just happen. Think of this as a chance to try something new on the menu. As I said a few paragraphs back, this is our biggest moneymaker of the year, and we could use your help. If you are interested in helping, we would love to see you.
Our monthly breakfast returns this Saturday, March 16th at 8:00 AM. As I write this, I am realizing that there is an awful lot of food scheduled into our activities that week.
Pioneered by Byron, AK4XR, we get together every Saturday before our meetings at a table or two in the back of Yorkshire Restaurant for some good food and good conversation.
Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd.
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905
Menu: https://www.yorkshirerestaurantmanassas.com/menu/
I am happy to say that our monthly meetings are back on our normal “third Tuesday of every month” schedule for the rest of 2024.
Our next monthly meeting is TUESDAY, March 19th
W4OVH Monthly Meeting
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas, VA 20111
David Bruce, KD4DEE, will be giving us a presentation on CERT – Community Emergency Reaction Team at that meeting.
And lastly, a reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM. The details for that are on the OVH’s web site: https://w4ovh.net
Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail: KN4DD@arrl.net
Ken, KN4DD