Happy birthday to our club members celebrating another year this month – Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Steve, N4OGR; Derrick, KV4SH; Wayne, AG4ZZ; Gene, N4HEW; and Bob, K4HJF.
Doesn’t quite feel like June without our annual Hamfest or Field Day in Nokesville!
Don’t forget the Virginia QSO Party Award Ceremony is this Saturday at 9 AM online., This is always held at our Hamfest normally.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in the club.
Congratulations to our 2020 scholarship winner Benjamin. Thanks to Sandy, KM4JUS for organizing and getting the winner announced!
Silent key – Russ Stevens WB4HHN passed away on May 24th. Russ was a long time member of club. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. RIP Russ.
Next Tuesday, June 16th, is our monthly club meeting also online. Please join in if you can.
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Great way to stay in touch, especially now since most of us are at home all the time!
Stay safe. If anybody needs help, please reach out. We need to stick together! Hope to see everyone in person soon.
Happy Summer!