Happy birthday to our club members celebrating another year this month – Jack, KN4HHQ; Steve, KB4OF; Ken, WB4ZOH; Philip, KI4WCC; Jeff, KM4FTK; George, K4GVT; Sandy, KM4JUS; Rosalie, KN4ZLY; Dwight, N4GSD; Mary, KK4GOW; Jeff, K9VEG; Richard, KJ4ZIH and Luther, WA3FMO. Hope everyone found a way to celebrate his or her special day!
Very happy to announce we have a new member of the Heartney clan, Ben was born on June 19th to Elizabeth, KG4TVM & Nick, KG7SOM. They live near Seattle, so if all goes well we will see them in August.
Way back in February, we had our last in person club meeting and it was the elections of officers. My intention was to present a plaque to Byron, AK4XR at the March meeting for his service as club president for 2 years. Also, I had engraved travel mugs for Jay, NQ4T; Jeff, WB6UIE; Don, WA2SWX and John, KG4NXT, all our current officers. So, at the beginning of July, John, KG4NXT and I hit the road and social distanced each person outside to make the presentations, pictures included. Thank you to these guys for taking care of club business!
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 pm. Great way to stay in touch, especially now since most of us are at home all the time!
Stay safe, if anybody needs help, please reach out, we need to stick together! Hope to see everyone in person soon.
Happy Summer!

Congratulations to Byron for toughing it out for two years (hihi) plus our new president and my continued thanks and admiration for Jeff, John and Don.