I am sorry I missed putting together a March sunshine corner. Due to the extremely low mortgage rates in February & March, I was completely snowed under at work. I have been working from home for the last few weeks, as I am sure some of you are as well. Thanks to Paul, W4ZB for filling in for me.
On that note, belated birthday wishes to the following club members: Fred, N3KVV; Scott, KM4FTD; Gary, K4MRL and Jeff, N1SN. Hope you all were able to celebrate!
Happy birthday to our club members celebrating another year in April: Harry, KC4TXL; Harry, KN4IJY; Brian, KK4CBS; Gil, KM4OZH; Paul, N4PD; Joe, KI4OHR; Lillian, KK4MXY; David, KI4AZX; Paul, W4ZB, and David, KD4DEE.
Also celebrating her 87th birthday this month is Annemarie, George, K4GVT’s, mother in law. We know her as OMA, a very sweet lady, and love having her come to our events. Photo included!
Best wishes to Jane, xyl of Byron’s, AK4XR as she continues to recovery from her knee surgery.
Virginia QSO Party, anyone that participated, hope you enjoyed the event. There is still a little bit of time to get those logs in – deadline April 15th. Please remember to put the OVH as your club on the submission form.
Byron, AK4XR set up a Saturday morning breakfast get together once a month at Yorkshire Restaurant. This occurs on the Saturday prior to the regular monthly club meeting. Everyone is welcome, the food is great and the fellowship is wonderful. I have included some photos from the February breakfast.
The club held a very successful VE session in March, terrific turnout of VE’s and a very nice turnout of test takers. I know I didn’t get everybody’s photo, but some are included in this newsletter. Thank you to everyone that helped make this VE session a success!
Looks like we will be having our April club meeting on line. Hope you can log in and join in.
Please remember our Thursday night net at 8 pm. A great way to stay in touch, especially now, since most of us are at home all the time!
Stay safe. If anybody needs help, please reach out. We need to stick together! Hope to see everyone in person soon.
Happy Spring!