Happy Birthday wishes to Fred, N3KVV; Wayne, N4HCR; Scott, KM4FTD; Gary,
K4MRL; Jeff, N1SN; Michael, KO4BCN; Matt and David KO4HIR.
Welcome home to Chick, KC1PIA. He has been in Florida with family for the last 2
months and is back in Manassas. I think he is ready for some ham radio!
Thank you to everyone that has donated to Steve’s N4OGR memorial scholarship.
Enough donations have come in that the club will be choosing a winner in 2021
and 2022. Awesome!!!
Thank you to Gordon, NQ4K for his presentation at the February meeting.
Gordon filled us in on the Virginia QSO Party that is March 20th & 21st. I noticed
during the presentation that there is a youth award so I asked Gordon if the youth
needed to have a license. Gordon said he would check it out and get back to me.
Well true to his word, he did email me and let me know that yes, the youth did
need their very own license. But a day later Gordon let me know that a new
category was added, GOTA – Get On The Air – so you can have youth participate
with a control operator. So let’s round up some kids!!! Here is the information
from the webpage:
“Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) Station plaque • Idea from: – Theresa, KG4TVM, during OVH VQP
presentation. – And borrowing from Field Day GOTA station rules • A Virginia station at which a
non-licensed person participates in the VQP under the supervision of a licensed control
operator. – Participant does all functions: talking on radio, logging, etc. – Limited to a single
participant. • In Log: – Put words GOTA station in soapbox. – Name of control operator and
Here is a link the the QSO party rules

Please remember to list the OVH as your club when you submit your QSO log,
as they give out a club award!!! Any questions on the QSO party, feel free to
reach out to myself at kg4tvm@hotmail.com or John kg4nxt@arrl.net.
I am trying to update my records so I can make sure I have everybody’s birthday.
If you do not see yourself listed in the correct month for birthday wishes, please
let me know. I have reached out to quite a few club members. Feel free to email
me with your information, kg4tvm@hotmail.com
Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 pm. Having issues with your radio
equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask
questions and hear the latest news on current club events.