Sunshine Corner


Happy Birthday wishes to these club members:  Harry, KC9TXL; Harry, KN4IJY; Brian, KK4CBS; Gene, KN4JMB; Gil, KM4OZH; Paul, N4PD; Joe, KI4OHR; Lillian, KK4MXY; David, KI4AZX; Paul, W4ZB; David, KD4DEE; Mark, KN4OGC and Paul, KO4UOO.  Enjoy your day!

Condolences to Greg, KM4CCG, his mom passed away in March.

Thank you very much to Gil, KM4OZH, for letting us park our club trailer at his home. The City Yard let us know that we needed to move the trailer and Gil stepped up!  Thanks to James, KQ4CAX, for transporting the trailer to Gil’s place and to John, KG4NXT, and Al, KB4BHB, for providing support the day of the move.

Eclipse – I know Bill, AF4LL, was out of state taking in the eclipse. Anybody else have an interesting experience that day?

Saturday, April 13th is THAWFEST II in Ruckersville, VA.   John, KG4NXT, and I will be holding down an OVH club table at this event.  We have some equipment to sell and we will be promoting our Tailgate event for June 1st.  In addition, Jeff, K9VEG, is coming by to see us, so if you are in the area or want to take a nice ride, come on by!

The Virginia QSO Party was on March 16th and 17th.  There is still time to get your log submitted by April 15th, if you haven’t done so. Please make sure to list the OVH as your club on the log. Looking forward to seeing the results and the award ceremony which will take place at the OVH Tailgate event.

We have several club members that have experienced some medical issues lately; some in the hospital and others at home.  They prefer not to have it announced, so please keep a good thought for everyone!

Tremendous thank you to those that have already volunteered to help at the Tailgate event!  We still need more volunteers for parking, general admission, tailgate and traffic control.   If you can spare an hour or two, please let us know. I can be reached at 703-257-3566 or email .  This is a big event for our club and we really need quite a few helpers to pull it together on the day of the event.

Tailgate and Field Day planning meetings are in full swing.   The events are successful when we have a great club participation. If you can help at Tailgate, please contact Don, WA2SWX. As for helping at Field Day, please contact Cat, KM4PBD.

Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!


Don’t forget about our Thursday night net at 8 PM, good way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to!



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