Happy birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this month – Tony,
KM4KLB; Ed, KK4PHO; Jay, NQ4T; Dianne, KI4FVV; Bill, N4SV; Kelly, (no call); Alan,
KY4DN; Byron, AK4XR; David, KK4ZUU and Marwood, KL7AW. Hope you all end the
year with lots of candles!
On Saturday, December 3rd, we attended the Manassas Christmas Parade. Club
members were along the parade route providing radio communications to net
control (Wayne, N7QLK). Special thanks to Ken, KN4DD for pulling our club trailer
thru the parade as one of the units. It started as a very dark, grey, rainy day but
by the time the parade kicked off, the weather moved on. There will be other
mentions in the newsletter along with photos by George, K4GVT. This is an event
to consider for next year especially for our new members, it is a great event and
our presence is very much appreciated.
WOW, our Holiday Party was incredible! Everyone did a wonderful job bringing
covered dishes and toy donations. We were thrilled to have the Marines,
represented by Staff Sergeant Hevarti and Gunnery Sergeant McHale, both based
at Quantico. Several of our members were recognized at the party – our officers
Ken, KN4DD; Tony, KM4KLB; John, KG4NXT and Don, WA2SWX. Also, our repeater
committee received certificates of appreciation – Gil, KM4OZH; John, KG4NXT; Al,
KB4BHB; Byron, AK4XR; Cat, KM4PBD; Jeff, WB4TT, and George. K4GVT. Ken, KE2N is
our repeater go to guy and keeps everything moving forward. Ken was presented
with an acrylic award of appreciation. Lastly, the Lifetime Achievement Award
was presented to Don, WA2SWX for holding key positions in the club over the last
7 plus years and keeping our bank account solvent and our annual
hamfest/tailgate event going. Anyone that was not at the party will have their
certificates handed out at the January club meeting. Thank you to everyone that
attended the party and also to those that dropped off toy donations ahead of
Thanks to Bruce, KN4GDX for providing the program at last month’s club meeting.

Also thanks to Ken, KE2N for providing repeater information.

Beginning January 1, 2023 Andrea, KI4SXM will be taking over the Sunshine
Corner. Thanks to Andrea for taking this on! Please send your information to
her at sunnybeach4us@gmail.com It has been my pleasure reporting club info
during the last 15 years.
Every Thursday at 8 PM we have the club’s weekly net. Please join us, say hello
and hear up-to-date information on club news.
Happy Holidays to you! See you in 2023!
73 Theresa, KG4TVM