Sunshine Corner


Happy Birthday wishes to our club members celebrating this June month – David, KQ4BDS; Dana, KM4TTP; Ron, K3FR; Jan, KE4TMW; Jim, KM4SXM; Robert, W4PHX; Gene, N4NHFW; Wayne, AG4ZZ and Bob, K4HJF. Hope you all have wonderful birthdays with lots of candles!

Congratulations Corner:
Congrats and many kudos and thank yous to the OVH team for holding a great Tailgate at Signal Hill Park June 3rd, and all our great volunteers.  Thank you to Matt, KE7EX and David, KG4GIY for stepping in for the Talk-in, and hope Jim is getting better. Many thanks again for George providing great pictures.
Here is link for the event:

New Member Updates:  Luis, KQ4GBC and David, KD0ODS have applied to the OVH, and hope to see them soon at our next OVH meeting at the Buckhall Volunteer Fire Department.

Upcoming Events: 

  • July 4, (Fun Run) 5k run; The race is the morning of July 4 at the Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center, and thank you to Wayne, N7QLK for coordinating this and members volunteering.
  • Roanoke Hamfest, August 5, 2023. Roanoke Hamfest. See
  • Berryville Hamfest, August 6, 2023 gates open 6 AM. See

Goofing Around:
Kudos to Al, KB4BHB with a mechanical bull.   He did get on it.
Take a look at this, and I am sure he had a fun time riding the bull.












Friendly Reminder: OVH Field Day 2023 at Nokesville Park, Nokesville VA, starts 2 PM on June 24th until 2 PM on June 25th . See our OVH webpage for details. Potluck Dinner on the evening of June 24th . Please bring your favorite dish so we can all enjoy.  Also, be sure to bring plenty of bug spray for hot days.

NET NIGHT: Every Thursday at 8 PM, we have the club’s weekly net. Please join us, say hello and hear up-to-date information on club news. See W4OVH.NET web site for details. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest news on current club events.

Andrea, KI4SXM is providing input to the Sunshine Corner. Please send your information to me at

Friendly Reminder!!! Happy Ham’in,
73, Andrea, KI4SXM


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