Sunshine Corner



Happy Birthday wishes to these club members:  Ken, KD4VA; John, KK4TCE; Karl, W4KRL; Stu, W4PR; Ronnell, KK4ZUR; Vern, KO4LVS; Chick, KC1PIA; Duane, KK4BZ; Raymond, KF4AQR and Andy, Kj4MTP – Enjoy your day!

Great to see several OVH members at the Berryville Hamfest at the beginning of August.  There was a tremendous turnout for their tailgate, looked like a lot of shopping was going on! Photos included.

Saturday, September 7th is the 7th Annual Willing Warriors Bike Ride (Bicycles).  This starts in Haymarket and goes all the way up into Loudoun County. This event has several courses with different distances. Because it covers so much of an area, the ham community is very much needed to help along the course to make sure everything is running smoothly and to radio back to Haymarket if there are any issues. If you can come out and help that day, please go to this website and sign up as a ham radio operator.

All volunteers are required to register on the website so they know who will be out there. Thank you for your support!

You know it is the end of summer soon when the kids go back to school, hope the students and parents have a great school year!

An update on Don, WA2SWX, and XYL Edith: they have arrived at their new home in Ecuador and now the wait starts for all their stuff to arrive!

Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!

Thursday night net at 8 PM is a great way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to with their radios!

This month, we are recognizing Wayne, N7QLK. Wayne was a very active member of our club, holding the office of President for years.  Wayne also chaired the Prince William County Half Marathon event for 3 years in a row. Wayne recently retired and moved to Florida with his XYL Vicki.  Here is what Wayne sent me along with some photos:

When it rains, it pours! And not just in Florida.

I decided to “throw in the towel” and retire last September.  At the same time, Vicki said that she wanted to be closer to her father and family in Florida.  So, we decided that after 24 yrs in Bristow, we would relocate…..Ocala, Florida here we come.  But first, sell the house, oh, and take a moment to get a knee replaced (the other one can wait).

Sold the house in January, bought a house in February.  Naturally, my first concerns as a HAM were: do I need any HOA armament?  How can I configure antenna(s)?  Wow, the lightning sure looks intense here–what precautions do I need? Any fellow HAMs nearby?  And, which box did I pack that gear in?

Wow, Field Day is just around the corner, as is 13 Colonies!  Amazing how fast the time goes by (even when retired!!!).  So, after about 90 days of house renovation/prep/move-in, two wedding events and a funeral, the antennas are up and the radios found!  One 10m vertical, and an end-fed.  (I’m fortunate to have trees in the backyard).

I couldn’t get “digitally configured”, but I did make 67 contacts for Field Day, and one shy of a clean sweep in the 13 Colonies.  Not too bad; almost like having to scramble for an emergency event!

Near goals: get the Icom-7300 on the air (FT8); possibly some POTA; and build a 6m moxon.  And, continue unpacking.

I am proud to have been/am a member of the OVH.  Haven’t found a club here yet, so, guess I’ll just keep checking in on the Thursday night net.

73, Wayne


Back view of Wayne's House - Can you see the Antenna ?
Back view of Wayne’s House – Can you see the Antenna ?
Wayne's antenna
Wayne’s antenna
Trying to figure out how to make a key from these:
Trying to figure out how to make a key from these:

Thanks Wayne, watch out for those lizards!



Here are some Berryville Hamfest pictures:

Gil KM4OZH and Bill AF4LL at Berryville Hamfest
Gil, KM4OZH and Bill, AF4LL at Berryville Hamfest
John KG4NXT, Ron K3FR, and Gil KM4OZH at Berryville Hamfest
John, KG4NXT; Ron, K3FR and Gil, KM4OZH at Berryville Hamfest
Bob K4HJF at Berryville Hamfest
Bob, K4HJF at Berryville Hamfest



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