Celebrating the New Year by completing a trip around the sun, please wish the following club members a happy birthday – Fred, WD4ASP; Cat, KM4PBD; John, KG4HZC; William, KN4YPG; John, KI4OWH; Justin, KJ4LAS; Elizabeth, KG4NXV; Erik, K4SOK; Joseph, KM4UYA; John, WA1STU; Ken, KE2N; James, KQ4CAX; Mark, KO4MBN and Club President Ken, KN4DD.
So, January is pretty quiet on the ham front but in the background, things are happening! The first planning meeting for Tailgate 2025 was held January, 14th. Dinner at Sam & Joe’s set the scene for a productive meeting: John, KG4NXT; Theresa, KG4TVM; Gil, KM4OZH; Byron, AK4XR; Jeff, K9VEG and Gene, N4HFW attended. Tailgate flyer and volunteer sign up will be out soon, we will need lots of help the day of the event. It is not too late to come to future planning meetings!

Please mark your calendar for Saturday, June 7th for the OVH Tailgate event!
First Hamfest of the year in our area is on February 1st – Middle Peninsula Hamfest in Gloucester, VA. John, KG4NXT and I are planning on attending (weather permitting); we will have an OVH table set up. If you have some items for sale this could be the place to get those items sold! Please contact John or Theresa if you would like to sell items at the table.
January 25th, the OVH will hold a VE Session in Centreville. Mark, WA4KFZ, is running this session, walk ins are welcome!
Saturday, January 25th, 0800-1200
Saint Andrew Lutheran Church
14640 Soucy Place
Centreville, VA 20120
Winter Field Day is January 25th and 26th – see website for info – Home – WFDA
Vienna Wireless will have a Cert tent set up for this event. More information – Winter Field Day – Vienna Wireless
Don, WA2SWX, has let us know that he is now a member of the ham club in Ecuador. The club call is HC4MRC and he will be using this call sign.
Please send me your news, good, not so good and ham related info!
Thursday night net at 8 PM is a great way to keep up with current events and hear what everyone is up to with their radios!