Sunshine Corner

Happy Birthday wishes to Stephen, KO4GQR; Bill, WB4KLC;  Jack, KN4HHQ; Ken, WB4ZOH; Philip, KI4WGC; Jeff, KM4FTK; Bruce, KN4TS; George, K4GVT; Sandy, KM4JUS; Rosalie, KN4ZLY; Dwight, N4GSD; Mary, KK4GOW; James, AA4KG;  Jeff, K9VEG; Richard, KJ4ZIH; Luther, WA4FMO and Tony, KK4YZK – This is quite the list, I hope everyone was able to enjoy their day!
I’m currently on vacation but just wanted to say happy birthday to our club members.

Also wanted to say congratulations to the club and all the members for having a very successful and busy month of June. It was great seeing everyone out and about.

John, KG4NXT and I are planning on going to the Berryville Hamfest, the first Sunday in August;
hope to see some club members there!

Please remember the Thursday night net at 8 PM. Having issues with your radio equipment or need help with anything ham radio? This is a great forum to ask questions and hear the latest
news on current club events.

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