Happy birthday to Roland WB4NWG, David W5DRR, Scott KK4GWU, Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Stephen KK4UZC, Patty KI4FQF, Norman KK4HDL, Art W1CRO and Katie, best wishes for a warm, happy day!
Good to see some of our club members at the Richmond Frostfest the first weekend in February, looked like there was a great turnout!
Congratulations to Robert KK4MXU, he is the President of the Buckhall Fire Department.
Congratulations to Bill KM4KWX and his family on the birth of his 2nd grandchild.
Special thanks to our officers as their current term of office ends, Wayne N7QLK, Ray KM4EKR, Terry KC4DV and Byron AK4XR, great job!
Hamfest & Field Day planning meetings are under way, jump in and help make it another great event!
Happy Valentine’s Day!