Greetings one and all, and I hope this message finds you all healthy and well.
The Richmond Frostfest has come and gone, and a thank you is owed to Terry / KC4DV for arranging a table, along with Ray / KM4EKR, Sandy / KM4JUS, and Theresa / KG4TVM for supporting. Up next, the Vienna Wireless Winterfest on March 19th in Annandale. It’s close
by and easy to attend.
Another “What Now?” session led by Mark / WA4KFZ was held on Monday of this week, with good interest in antenna building. Mark did an excellent job as usual in answering the questions of many of the attendees. From this, we may hear more check-ins on our weekly net???
It’s time again for club elections and we will be voting at the February meeting for president and vice president; the newly elected officers will be seated at the March meeting. If you have the time, and want to serve the club it’s a great way to give back to the club we all know and love.
On that note, I must remind the membership who haven’t done so already, to please renew
your memberships for 2017! To make this very easy to do, a mail in form is provided later in
this newsletter. It is also possible to renew online. Go to the OVH Club web site (W4OVH.NET)
and there to the OVH Membership Application tab to do that. No matter, how you do it,
be sure to renew. We appreciate everyone’s support as the Club does depend upon the
modest annual dues each year from its members. You will need to be a member in good standing, with dues paid, to vote at the February meeting.
Andy / KJ4MTP is going to be soliciting for volunteers to assist with the first Mini-Tri of the season, the Tune-up Tri, on March 26th; let’s help Andy in pulling this together.
Even though it’s cold outside (hey, we haven’t hardly had any snow this winter!!!), warmer weather isn’t far away. A reminder of this is in hearing that we have our paperwork in for the Nokesville Park; the 2017 OVH Field Day location. Thanks Butch for taking care of this detail.
Finally, the paperwork has been submitted for Ole Virginia Hams to have a display at this year’s Manassas Airshow—May 6th. Amateur radio fi ts the theme very well– Trades & STEM Expo.
Keep the thoughts/ideas coming: Also, I hope to see you at our upcoming regular meeting on Monday, February 20th.
73 Wayne N7QLK