Tri It Now’s Ina Nenninger retires


Sunday, October 15th ended the Tri It Now Mini Triathlon program in Manassas.  The energetic and enthusiastic leader of this group, Ina Nenninger, owner & organizer of Tri It Now has retired. Ina has been living in Colorado and traveling back to Manassas for the last several years just to run this program and have the events go off without a hitch.   If you ever wanted to see an energizer bunny in action, all you had to do was watch, or try to keep up with Ina. Way back in 2014, Ina approached the OVH about providing radio communications for the Mini Tri’s.   There were normally 5 to 6 events per year and they were all at the Freedom Center in Manassas.  The OVH jumped at the chance to help out … Read more >>