It seems our recruiting efforts have been paying off with several
new members joining the club recently. When you see them at a
meeting or club function, please take a minute to introduce
yourself and welcome them to OVH.
Club recognition has definitely helped our recruiting. So, as spring approaches with Hamfest and other activities, this would be a good time to order your club nametag if you don’t already have one.

Nametags can be ordered from the above link. It will be some time before our next custom polo order. However, I do have some generic polos (club logo but no name or
callsign) available for purchase. I’m expecting a customization
quote from a local vendor in time for our next meeting.
This year’s Virginia QSO Party, sponsored by the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club, will take place on 16 and 17 March. It’s a fun
contest as well as a chance to check out your low power emergency gear and NVIS antenna to see just how much of Virginia you can
effectively cover. Here’s a link to their web page:
For more info about the Virginia QSO Party, join us for a
presentation by Gordon, NQ4K, at the February OVH meeting.
Jeff Fuller, WB6UIE