Warm birthday wishes to David W4HRR, Richard (no call), Gavin KK4MXT, Dick WN7S, Harvey WB6TTF, Jeff WB6UIE, Art W1CRO, Katie (no call), and Mike KN4NDI
Best wishes to Butch W4HJL, Gene N4HFW and George K4GVT all did some time in the hospital in the last month. Sounds like all three are doing well; hope you all have a full recovery.
Congratulations to George K4GVT and family, his son in law Alex is now a Captain in the Army. Alex and Tanya (George’s daughter) will be heading to Korea, so I see some “vacations” for George & Ev coming up!!!
Had a great time at the Richmond Hamfest handing out flyers for our hamfest. I received many positive comments for having our event on Saturday!
Hamfest meetings are well under way, contact Don WA2SWX and let him know how you will be able to help the club get ready for this huge event!
CW Net is every Wednesday at 7:00 pm; club breakfast is the Saturday morning before the club monthly meeting at Yorkshire Restaurant at 8 am. Two new great events!
Please send me your news, I have heard several club members are on the mend, please let me know so we can send good wishes!
Happy Valentine’s Day!