VP’s Corner

I’ll begin this month’s column with a thank you to Hamfest Chair Don, WA2SWX, and his team of volunteers. They worked tirelessly to fill the vendor hall, provide a top notch series of drawing prizes, and schedule some interesting presentations like the wireless weather station by OVH member W4KRL(http://www.w4krl.com). Those who helped carry those big wooden tables during setup and cleanup can testify that there was also quite a bit of physical labor involved. Unfortunately this year there was one obstacle we couldn’t clear – the weather. Pouring rain most of the day really put a damper on attendance and resulting revenue. We’ll hope for better luck next year.

Recruiting is up with several new members joining the club over the last two months. Some, like myself, started hamming as youngsters and are returning years later to enjoy the hobby once again in retirement. Others are newcomers and recent graduates of Mark’s fine work at the school house. When you see one of them, please take a moment to introduce yourself and welcome them to the club.

Field Day will be here soon – the weekend of June 23rd this year. More details and map coming soon… Designed as an emergency preparedness exercise, Field Day is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get to know your fellow club members. Come for the camaraderie, stay for the food. Hope to see you there!

1 thought on “VP’s Corner”

  1. Congratulations to all who participated in making another great Manassas Hamfest. Yeah, weather didn’t cooperate and a lot of people decided to forego the visit, but you did it again and gave many people the opportunity to visit friends, visit vendors, and take part in the camaraderie that is Ham Radio.


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