Pinkie Pig here! The last few weeks have been rather hectic. The hams have been assisting at various events around the area, and then there was Hamfest!
We had a light turn-out at the May meeting. Don M. gave a great presentation on UBITX, which went right over my little pink head. So, don’t ask me any questions! (I thought it was a new breed of dog, but what do I know? I’m only a pig!) Peaches did not attend, as usual. It was raining, and I think she’s afraid of rain! Perhaps it was for the best because I heard some talk about “bacon”! We also read in another club member for my fan club!
Hamfest was upon us before I could pry Peaches off the couch. The day started off dry, and then It rained, and rained, and rained ……well, you get the idea. You couldn’t dynamite Peaches off the couch to come with me! She said she didn’t want to drown! We all met for a yummy breakfast before we went over to the fairgrounds to set everything up. There was a lot of sausage and bacon present. Made me a little nervous!

Hamfest was fun. We had QSL Party awards, presentations, door prizes, and the youth lounge. I got to mingle and ham it up. I mingled, waved, walked, and mingled some more! Because of the rain I kept my mingling to one building. It was very humid and it felt more like a “pig roast”! I was the one roasting!
Theresa surprised me with a beautiful purple hat with my name and a pink pig embroidered on it. I love it and thought that was very sweet! She is so thoughtful! Thank you, Theresa! (I ordered a sash to wear in the Christmas parade that will match the hat.)
We all got together for a delicious dinner after all the festivities were over. Everyone pigged out! Sandy K. presented Jan F. with cupcakes for her birthday. (There were some very amusing cupcakes at the bake sale!) A good time was had by all.
When I finally got home, I saw Peaches. She was still sitting on the couch, but she was wearing my purple hat! I tried to tell her it said “Pinky”, not “Peaches”, but would she listen…………. noooooo! So, she’s still wearing MY hat, and we’re not speaking! Just wait until she falls asleep! She can’t keep those little piggie eyes open forever!

Hoping to see everyone at our June meeting and Field Day!
Pinkie ——signing out!