On a wet and cool Thanksgiving morning, the Ole Virginia Hams once again provided communications support for the 5k portion of the Prince William Turkey Trot (5k) & Mashed Potato Mile. Their motto: Trot, Eat, Sleep.
It had rained all night but stopped by morning, leaving us cool, damp and cloudy in time for the foot races.
The race itself went off without incident. It started @ 8:30 AM & was over for us by 9:15 AM. Much like Halloween, many participants were in costume.
We had a few cowboys. We had several parents pushing a baby carriage in the race. We had both children & adults in tutus. And what Turkey Trot would be complete without so many people in turkey costumes – a full furry brown pajama suit, complete with colorful wings, tail & a head mask?
The participants made it a very colorful event.
It also may have been a PWC (Prince William County) record, attendance wise. We had over 1,800 runners registered that day.
We did notice a large number of participants whose philosophy was ” Walk, don’t run”. Nevertheless, we all got home in plenty of time for Thanksgiving dinner.
Our OVH volunteers: John, KG4NXT; Al, KB4BHB and David, KG4GIY. Ken, KN4DD and Theresa, KG4TVM were backup volunteers.