President’s Letter for July 2024

Hello Again Everyone,

Once again, our busy season is winding down, and it’s been a whirlwind for some time now.

On June 22nd & 23rd the OVH took part in ARRL Field Day 2024. Under the guidance of returning Field Day Chairwoman Cat, KM4PBD, we had another good Field Day weekend. We had 15 participants and a preliminary total score of: 3,336. I look forward to reading our official stats.

Despite the heat & humidity, preparation started the day before, on Friday. Antenna lines were shot into the trees Friday afternoon. Gil, KM4OZH, handed off the OVH Trailer to James, KQ4CAX, who delivered it safely to Nokesville Park.

Participants started showing up early Saturday, and we were ready to go long before the official start time.

We also had our first weather balloon launch on Saturday, which went up a little bit early, schedule wise. It rose quickly and was last seen heading due north. Armed with a solar powered radio set up for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, (WSPR – pronounced “whisper”) it was last heard by a station near St. Louis, MO. A big thank you to our project team: Bruce, KN4GDX; Bryon, AK4XR; Gil, KM4OZH & John, KG4NXT.

(Shameless commercial: Team Leader Bruce, KN4GDX, is working on an upcoming standalone article about our first weather balloon and what has become of it. So, keep an eye out for it.)

After the balloon launch, we had our Pot Luck Supper, and there was no shortage of camaraderie.

While still talking about June, I would like to remind you that hurricane season is June 1st to December 1st. Now would be a good time to review your preparation plans and supplies.

Even though the linked article was written in 2021, I believe it is a good read for our new hams as well as a good refresher for our grizzled vets.

Back on the 4th of July, the OVH supported what used to be called “The Freedom Firecracker 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run”. This year, they have rebranded as “The IMDC Freedom Firecracker 5k and Sparkler 1 Mile”. The event was short & sweet. We were there by 7:30 AM & gone by 9:30-ish. And what a colorful group. Not as many in costume as the Turkey Trot, but still quite imaginative. Many in patriotic shirts & shorts, as well as an abundance of grown women in colorful and sparkly tutus. The spotters were Al, KB4BHB; John, KG4NXT and yours truly, “the other Ken”, KN4DD.

2024 The IMDC Freedom Firecracker 5k and Sparkler 1 Mile – 1
2024 The IMDC Freedom Firecracker 5k and Sparkler 1 Mile – 2
2024 The IMDC Freedom Firecracker 5k and Sparkler 1 Mile – 3


Also, back in the first week of July was the popular 13 Colonies Special Event – 2024. It ran July 1st thru July 7th.  Always a popular event.

You don’t have to wait until our in-person meetings to see everyone again; you can come out this Saturday, July 13th at 8:00 AM for the resumption of our monthly breakfasts!  Pioneered by Byron, AK4XR, way back in the olden days (2019), we get together on the Saturday immediately before our Tuesday meetings at a table or two in the back of Yorkshire Restaurant for some good food and good conversation.

Yorkshire Restaurant
7537 Centreville Rd
Manassas, VA 20111
(703) 368-4905

We hope to see you there.


Next, our monthly meeting is Tuesday, July 16th, at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Buckhall VFD Hall
7190 Yates Ford Road
Manassas VA 20111

July’s presentation will be by Donald Friend, WA4MCM, the owner of WA4MCMkits.

His presentation will be on his remote antenna switch kits, his SWR/power meter kit and related topics.


If you are itching for some Hamfest action, the SVARC 73rd Berryville Hamfest is just around the corner. I know a number of OVH members attend regularly, so you’re sure to see some of us. It’s just a few of weeks away, August 4th at the Clarke County Ruritan Fairgrounds in Berryville.

For more details, visit the website:

Also, a reminder to check in to the OVH’s Thursday night VHF/UHF repeater net at 8 PM.
The details for that are on the OVH’s web site:    This is a great way to stay in touch.

In closing, a short note: At the end of July, our former Treasurer and longtime Hamfest / Tailgate Chairman Don, WA2SWX, along with his XYL, Edith are retiring and moving to Ecuador. Your years of service to the Ole Virginia Hams ARC have made a difference and are greatly appreciated. You both have been a tremendous asset to us. Your insight and your quick wit will certainly be missed. And please try to act surprised when we start asking to come and visit in February. Thank you and be safe.

Ken Brant, KN4DD
Ole Virginia Hams ARC


Questions, comments or war stories can be directed to my e-mail:
73, Ken / KN4DD


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